New product!
BlueLink™ 3 
BlueLink from Astronomy-shoppe is a versatile Bluetooth adapter for Android tablets and Smartphones, PC and Imac. BlueLink will Link to Digital setting Circles as well as GOTO telescopes. And will allow your telescope to be driven from any of these devices.
Easy to set up, no IP addressing or configuration work on every telescope not just one.
We have successfully tested “The Sky” and “SkySafari” and Stellarium planetarium software over BlueLink connections. Set up is easy with any device that supports the Bluetooth SPP* protocol. Astronomy shoppe tested telescope control using running Windows XP Window 7 and Windows 8 ,10 , Numerous Android tablets and Android Smartphones.
BlueLink 3 is powered by 2 AAA cells and is estimated to provide approximately 6 hours of operating time and can use standard or re-chargable batteries.

Above is a Questar with NGC Max and Sky Commander Both work flawlessly and are easy to configure. EQ align, pick one star alignment and your done. Watch were you point the scope on your tablet, works with Orion Intelliscope too!
Blue Link
Price: 159.00 + 7.30 Shipping
Made in USA
- The Sky 10 ,6
- C2A
- Apple: Skysafari plus
- Android SlySafari plus
- SkySafari Pro
- SkySafari 4
- BlueLink has been tested with the following mounts and products
Meade, Celestron,Losmandy, Orion,Skywatcher, AP, Ioptron, Televue, Sky Comander, Sky Wizard 3, SkyTour, NGC-Max
- Blue Link( Andriod, PC, Imac)
Please see our set up video on Youtube.
Mission Statement:
We developed the Bluetooth adapter because the only wireless options were, Celestron’s SkyQ adpater ($99.00) which only supports Celestron/Orion TTL Aux port operation and Orion and Southern Stars SkiFi that most Android devices can only use in WiFi infastructure mode.
BlueLink offers direct wireless telescope mount control via a Bluetooth link (*not supported by Apple iPhone or iPad devices). BlueLink is supported on Windows and Mac computers with Bluetooth capabilities and all Andriod Smartphones and Tablets.
Customer feed back:
Tony I hope you and your family is doing well with what is going on. I just wanted to thank you again for everything you have done and just to let you know that the bluetooth works flawlessly. I use the goto on skysafari and it is amazing.
Hi Tony,
Blue link Arrived the other day, I just got some coffee and the time to focus on setup.
Ok – I agree w/you now, once paired and setup – This thing is slick!
Finally got Sky safari working as intended (i.e. scope control) wish I found this device months ago would have saved a ton of time and aggravation
struggling with SkyFi.
The Blue Link unit is very nice, so far just office tested, hope to get out under the stars soon and see how alignment actually works
between CG5 handset setup and any tweaks on Sky Safari (if needed).
But so far -very Cool!! J
If everything works as I suspect – it will be well worth the money!
BLUELINK is Awesome!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I was successful in connecting my Celestron 11 CPC GPS to my new tablet via BLUELINK. The connection was extremely easy and much faster than I anticipated. I connected the BlueLink to my NexStar Hand Control through the RS-232 cable. I downloaded the new SkySafari 4 Pro software to my new hand held tablet. I then connected the BlueLink to my tablet via bluetooth and then connected the SkySafari software to my CPC. It works PERFECTLY!!!! I can now use the Tablet as the wireless Hand Control. Its exactly what I was looking for. Again, thank you for the advice on the BlueLink, Tablet and appropriate software. It will all make for a much more enjoyable, productive and efficient way to observe with my CPC 11. Not to mention, its just really cool to be searching around the planetarium software and click “Goto” to any interesting object.
Thanks again!
Todd Dery
Mindray Ultrasound
Warranty: Any product or part that is defective will be exchanged free of charge within the first 15 days of purchase. After 15 days of receipt, all products returned will be subject to a 15% restock fee. Products must be used as advertised in order to fulfill manufacturer’s warranty.
Attention foreign customers: The shopping cart is intended for USA customers only! Please “DO NOT ORDER ONLINE” through PayPal. You can e-mail us directly for payment information and shipping rates on all of our products.